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Published by
The Research Management Council
Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
Region VI –Western Visayas
January 2011
User’s Guide 1
The Advisory Committee 2
The Preliminaries 3
Format for the Social Research 4
Format for the Natural and Biological Research 8
Format for the Development and Technology Research 13
The Philippine Association of State Universities & Colleges (PASUC) in Region 6 serves as a unifying body for eleven SUCs in Western Visayas particularly on the mandated functions of these institutions. In recent months, the PASUC 6 management evaluated the graduated programs offered by the SUCs. One of the concerns was on the graduate theses and dissertation of students taking masteral and doctoral programs.
Having identified this problem, PASUC 6 convened the graduate faculty of these institutions to standardize the formats which can be acceptable to all. The management invited resource persons – included no less than the CHED Commissioner Hja. Luningning Misuarez- Umar –who rendered insights and directions to participants to produce this Thesis and Dissertation Manual for SUCs in Region 6.
The management hopes that the adoption, subsequent publication and distribution of this Manual would bring about significant improvement in the publication of researches the SUCs.
President, CHMSC and ASU
Chairperson, PASUC 6
This Thesis and Dissertation Manual for SUCs in Region 6 is a dream-come-true. The outcome of the concerted efforts by PASUC 6 Research Management Council, this Manual will serve as a guide to all deans, faculty and students of SUCs. We hope that their use of this Manual will help enhance their academic performance, particularly in the production of theses and dissertations by their graduate students.
This Manual is the consolidated output or the graduate faculty of the SUCs principally led by Dr. Cora Navarra of the Capiz State University (Natural and Biological Sciences Research): Dr. Edna Gonzales of Aklan State University (Social Sciences Research), and Dr. Carmelo Ambut of West Visayas College of Science and Technology (Development and Technology Research).
The Manual contains three major parts, one of each of the research fields, namely: Social Science Research, Natural and Biological Science Research, and Development or Technological Research. Each of these formats is preceded by the sections on the Advisory Committee and the Preliminaries. While the contents of these formats contain brief explanatory n notes to guide the user on how the parts of the paper will be dealt with.
The production of this manual has been possible because of the diligence and commitment of some people. First is the commitment of CHED Commissioner Umar to see to this problem to SUCs; second is the vigorous leadership of PASUC 6 led by its Chairperson, Dr. Benny A. Palma. Also, there is the dedication of the graduate school deans and faculty of SUCs; and the cohesive efforts of the officers and members of PASUC 6 Research Management council led by its Chair, Dr. Geronimo L. Gregorio, Vice- President for Research and Extension of the Capiz State University. Worthy to be acknowledged are the efforts of the CapSU RDEC staff, namely: Dr. Federito Launio, Ms Veronica Albalajedo, Ms. Mary Jane Braña, Jr. and Ms. Marilyn Braña. Sincere appreciation is also extended to Mr. Rector John Latoza and Mr. Ralph Gerard Cadiz for the cover design and layout; and Mr. Niño Manaog and Dr. Susan O. Dangan for the final editing of this manual.
We hope that this manual would help improve the quality of theses and dissertations produced by the graduate schools of the SUCs in Region 6.
University President, CapSU &
Chair, Research committee, PASUC 6
USER’S GUIDE__________________________________________________________________
To achieve the purpose for which this Manual is written—to be used particularly by the deans and graduate students of SUCs in Region 6—the following guidelines are presented.
1. Both the thesis adviser and the graduate student should properly identify the field of study being pursued. In particular, Social Sciences research, Natural or Biological Sciences Research and Technology or Development Research are three different fields of study using their particular formats.
2. If the research falls under more than one area of study (e.g. Biological Sciences and Social Sciences), the student must follow the format suggested for both.
3. Expect for the title headings, sections and a subsection, each of the research studies follows a specific format. Therefore the adviser must accordingly give the necessary guidelines to the student for the same.
4. Both the adviser and the student must occasionally refer to the rules applicable to the technical writing including the format and style required in writing quality theses dissertations.
5. When dealing with abbreviations, numbers, acronyms and figures, they must also refer to relevant references on technical writing.
6. As a general guide, the use of capital letters for chapter titles, New font size 12 is recommended.
THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE_______________________________________________________
The composition of the Advisory Committee shall be the same for the Social Sciences, Natural Biological Sciences, and Technology & Development Research categories. The dean should list potential advisers for the students from which the students will choose. The Advisory Committee shall have the following composition.
MASTER’S THESIS____________________________________1 Adviser and 3 Members
1. One (1) external expert who had conducted research on his/her field and published in a refereed journal
2. Two (2) locals of the same field who had conducted research on his/her field and published in a refereed journal
Note: The Dean, Research Director and/or Program Coordinator will also serve as a member of the committee.
DOCTORAL DISSERTATION____________________________1 Adviser and 3 Members
1. One (1) external expert who had conducted research on his/her field and published in a refereed journal
2. Two (2) locals of the same field who had conducted research on his/her field and published in a refereed journal
Note: The Dean, Research Director and/or Program Coordinator will also serve as a member of the committee.
THE PRELIMINARIES______________________________________________________________
Rib Page
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Acknowledgement (maximum of 2 pages)
Abstract (maximum of 250 words)
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
FORMAT FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH_________________________________________
Background of the study
This section presents the background, concepts and realistic observation of the existence of the problem.
Statement of the Problem
This section presents the interrogative statements which the researcher- thesis or dissertation student- would like to answer.
Here the hypothesis is stated either in null or alternative form for researches which aim to establish associations, correlations. Always include the alpha level or the level of significance.
Theoretical Framework
This section presents the outline that serves as basis of the study.
Conceptual Framework
This conceptual framework discusses the different kinds of variables that will be used. This also discusses the associations, correlations and/ or the comparisons between and among the variable used.
Significance of the Study
This section details the essential contributions of the research and its result to the people, institutions and community.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
` This section provides the subjects, time and similar other variables of the study. This also includes the constraints and restrictions of the study.
Definition of Terms
Here, important terms- words, phrases, acronym and the like- will be defined according to how they will be used in the study.
FORMAT FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH_________________________________________
Samples of related literature are presented according to concept, subject or issue being supported, and based on the objectives and statement of the problem. Reports on studies gathered should have direct relevance to the concepts presented in the study. More particularly, each of the related studies should present an analysis of the problem/s related to the present study.
Place the introductory paragraph here.
Research Design
This portion presents the appropriate blueprint or the study.
Locale of the Study
This refers to the site or place of the study.
Respondents and/ or Subjects of the study
This section presents the characteristics and population of the respondents and/ or subjects of the study conducted.
Sample Size
This indicates the sample size and how it is determined.
Sampling Techniques
This part discusses the procedures used to collect data for the study.
Research Instrument
This section discusses how the data gathering instrument is formulated. This also discusses how the instrument is validated to ensure the reliability of the instrument.
Data Gathering Procedure
This section presents the detailed procedures on how the desired data are gathered.
FORMAT FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH_________________________________________
Data Analysis Procedure
This section explains how the gathered data is processed and analyzed. It includes statistical procedures for both the descriptive and inferential research data.
This chapter presents the findings with analyses and interpretations. Tabular and/ or graphical presentations of the data are placed after the discussions.
Summary findings
This presents the objectives, methodologies, respondents involved, data collected, statistical tools used, and pertinent findings obtained in the study.
These are brief and direct statement of findings drawn from the study or based on the results obtained. These statements are, in fact, answers to the objectives or statements of the problem. The conclusions also answer the research hypotheses tested.
This presents the suggestions and proposals of the researcher based on the findings drawn. The recommendation includes statements on how results of the study could be used by the research community for present or future researches, particularly on aspects which are apparently unclear or which need further inquiries.
Areas for Further Research
This presents at least (3) research areas for further research.
Uses the American Psychological Association (APA) Style in citing the sources used in the study.
This section may include letters or business correspondence such as permit to study, permit to conduct the study, copyright permission and letter of request to the evaluators to validate instrument or questionnaire, curriculum vitae and other pertinent documents (e.g. 5-year development plan proposal).
(Agriculture, Fisheries, Environmental and Natural Sciences)
Background of the Study
This section presents the prevailing circumstances concerning the research problem. It also discusses other similar interventions by others to address the same.
It important to cite here that despite several researches done in the past, there are still problems or gaps in the technology, practice or information. This is where the statement of the problem is embedded; hence, conduct of the study is justified.
Objectives of the Study
This presents the general and specific objectives of the study. The general objective is stated in paragraph form, stating what the problem is all about, and what the researcher aims to achieve in general. Next, the researcher enumerates the specific objectives. This covers the 1) things he expects to generate based on the specific parameters considered; and 2) the relationships between variables (parameters), if any.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This section explains the scope of the study. For example, the study will be conducted to measure only the growth performance of the experimental plants and that the experiment will be conducted during the dry months rather than during the months when rain is evenly distributed. It also explains the limitations of the study such as if the plants will be grown in 9”x 16” polyethylene bags and not in the open field.
Significance of the Study
Here the significant contribution of the results of the study is explained, expounded or elaborated. For instance, cite in what way the practitioners will benefit from the results. Similarly, if policymakers can make use of the results to create laws regarding the same, they must also be explained.
Definition of Terms
This includes the operational definition of the variables (parameters) and other important terms used in the study that may have different meanings and interpretations in other fields.
(Agriculture, Fisheries, Environmental and Natural Sciences)
This presents all related studies that the researcher has gathered. It contains a brief introductory paragraph, the body, a synthesis and conclusion. This will include what other writers and researchers have published about the present problem, arranged according to the subject matter discussed. Citations with more than one author- e.g. (Perez, 2004; Tiu, 1007; Reyes, 2008)—can be included in the same sentence or paragraph provided they share the same idea or findings on a particular discussion.
The materials used in the study, including their quantities, are explained in paragraph form in this section.
This section explains the procedures followed in the conduct of the study. Because there are many steps and task involved, they must be arranged in a subsection, this time, to be identified as paragraph side-heads.
Experimental Design and Treatments
In this section, appropriate experimental design is determined and explained. Then, the different treatments as enumerated are described. If there is a need to expand the topics under another paragraph head, then it must come as a subparagraph head, which must be indented to distinguish it from the head paragraph.
Cultural Management and Procedures
Under this section, the cultural management and procedures to be used for the test organisms (plants or animals) are described.
Statistical Tools and Analysis
This explains the appropriate statistical tool to be used in analyzing the data gathered from the study.
(Agriculture, Fisheries, Environmental and Natural Sciences)
This chapter includes the discussion of the results of the study. Such discussion should not only cite the figures, but tie them up with the findings of other researchers (i.e. whether it conforms with or is inconsistent with the findings of other researchers). It is best to support the discussion with tabulated data and graphical materials. The table of data includes values for the statistical analysis so it supports the claims for significant or non- significant results.
After the discussion, the table is placed at the lowermost or uppermost portion of the page, not in between paragraphs. If the discussion is not finished on the first page, the table is placed at the top of the succeeding page, and the discussion continued below the table, with the first line placed 3 single spaces from the closing line of the table. Constructing a table from the title to headings should follow certain considerations and hierarchy for the headings. See below.
Table I. Only the first letter of the first word in the title, except for proper nouns, is in uppercase. The title must be complete so that even if the table is detached from the entire manuscript, the reader will understand what the data in the table are all about. Put a period (.) after the title. See below.
Kind of Organic Concoctions | Frequency of Spraying | MEAN | ||
1 in 1 Week | 1 in 2 Weeks | 1 in 3 Weeks | ||
Pure Indigenous Microorganisms ( IMO) | | | | |
Fermented Green Vegetables + IMO | | | | |
Banana- Squash- Papaya Fermented Juice + IMO | | | | |
Mean | | | | |
(Agriculture, Fisheries, Environmental and Natural Sciences)
This section summarizes the study from the problem, objectives, subjects, methodology, findings and so on.
Included in this section are the conclusions drawn by the researcher based on the findings of the study.
All recommendations must be based only on the objectives, and the conclusions that the student has drawn from the findings of the study. This section must include related areas and topics for future research.
(Agriculture, Fisheries, Environmental and Natural Sciences)
Entries here are arranged alphabetically, with the family name first of the first author (in case of multi-authored source) followed by initials of the first names and middle names of the co-authors, all in uppercase. List all entries in hanging indention, single-spaced. See samples below.
DAY RA. 1995. How To Write and Publish Scientific Papers, 4th. Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Portion of a Book
HIRANO S. 1996. “Chitin biotechnology applications” in Biotechnology Annual Review Vol. 2. El- Grevery MR Ed.Amsterdam: Elsevier. 237-258.
MATTHEWS RE. 1982. “Classification and nomenclature of viruses.” Intervirology 17 ( I ): 1-199.
MOJICA ERE. 2007.”Copper oxide as mediator for the amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide.” Philippine Journal of Science 136 ( I ): 25-32.
VANDENBUSSCHE, F., R. PIERIK, F.F. MILLENAAR, L.,A.C.J.VOESENEK and D. VAN DER STRATETEN. 2005. “Reaching out of the shade.” Retrieved on Oct. 23, 2006 from www.sciencedirect.com.
Here include other tables, graphs, pictures, etc that carry information that are relevant but do not necessarily deserve to be included in the text. Also include here the curriculum vitae or the student or researcher.
Background of the Study
This section presents the prevailing circumstances concerning the research problem. It also discusses the other similar studies and projects conducted by others to address the same.
It is important to cite here that despite several researches done in past, there are still problems or gaps in the technology, practice or information. This is where the statement of the problem is embedded; hence, conduct of the study is justified.
Objectives of the Study
This presents the general and specific objectives of the study. The general objective is stated in paragraph form, stating what the problem is all about, and what the researcher aims to achieve in general. Next, the researcher enumerates the specific objectives. This covers the 1) things he expects to generate based on the specific parameters considered; and 20 the relationship between variables (parameters), if any.
Scope and Limitation of the study
This section explains the scope of the study. For example, the study will be conducted to measure only the growth performance of the experimental plants and that the experiment will be conducted during the dry months rather than the months when rain is evenly distributed. It also explains the limitations of the study such as if the plants will grow in 9”x 16” polyethylene bags and not on the open field.
Significance of the Study
Here the significant contribution of the results of the study is elaborated. For instance, cit in what way the practitioners will benefit from the results of the study. Similarly, if the policymakers can make use of the results to create laws regarding the same, they must also be explained.
Definition of Terms
This includes the operational definition of variables (parameters) and other important terms used in the study that may have different meanings and interpretations in other fields.
All gathered literatures related to the study must be included in this section under theme or subject matter discussed. This includes relevant concept, ideas, observation, beliefs or methodologies obtained from past or existing studies (the nearest prior art). All these prior art information are logically synthesized to establish research gaps and problems which he study aims to address. If possible, the nearest prior art (one only) must be identified as necessary depending on the nature of the study. Addition of prior art must have significant bearing on the current study and not complicate it.
Write here the introduction of the chapter.
Designing and Evaluating | Performance And Pilot Testing | Software Designing And Development |
This design is for the Development of new Product or process | This design is purposely For the conduct of Study on comparing the Performance existing Devices. Pilot testing sees if The prototype is working in Industrial scale. | This design is purposely for Software development in ICT research. |
Design Criteria Design Plan Preparation And Fabrication Evaluation Procedure Instrumentation Data to be Gathered Parameters for Analysis Cost Analysis | Description of the Devise Or Machine To Be Tested Test Procedure Instrumentation Performance Parameters Data To Be Gathered Statistical Data Analysis (if any) | Software Life Cycle Model Software Development Phases Requirement Phases a. Planning b. Analysis c. Design Phase d. Coding e. Testing Phase 1. Initial Testing 2. Final testing |
Note: Researchers may choose from these designs presented depending on the nature of their study. |
This chapter must follow this order—presentation and analysis of research output based on the objectives (followed by a table, if any, for reference). Hence, include the observation on any similarities between the current findings and those of other studies based on the parameters established and cite their implications to the entire study.
This section summarizes all portions of the study—from the objectives to subjects to methodology and results and findings.
This includes two major recommendations, namely: 1) how the results of the study can be used, and 2) what relevant areas can be further studied.
This includes two major recommendations, namely: 1) how the results of the study can be used, and 2) what relevant areas can be further studied.
Under the American Psychological Association (APA) Style, all entries are arranged alphabetically, with the family name first of the first author (in case of multi- authored source) followed by the initials of the first names and middle names of the co-authors, all in uppercase. List all entries in hanging indention, single- spaced. See samples below.
DAY RA. 1995. How to Write and Publish Scientific Papers, 4th Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Portion of a Book
HIRANO S. 1996.”Chitin biotechnology applications” in Biotechnology Annual Review Vol. 2.
El- Grevery MR, ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 237-258.
MATTHEWS RE. 1982. “Classification and nomenclature of viruses.” Intervirology 17 ( I ): 1-199.
MOJICA ERE. 2007.”Copper oxide as mediator for the amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide.” Philippine Journal of Science 136 ( I ): 25-32.
VANDENBUSSCHE, F., R. PIERIK, F.F. MILLENAAR, L.,A.C.J.VOESENEK and D. VAN DER STRATETEN. 2005. “Reaching out of the shade.” Retrieved on Oct. 23, 2006 from www.sciencedirect.com.
http://www.answers.com/topic/cytokinin. Retreived Oct. 10, 2006.
This section can include other tables, graphs, pictures, etc that carry information that are relevant but do not necessarily deserve to be included in the text. Also include here the curriculum vitae of the student or researcher.
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